Safety Lockout Padlocks

Lotomaster offers a wide range of Safety Lockout (LOTO) Padlocks options to best suit your Lockout program. These Padlocks are available in different material, sizes and colors for customizations to meet your specific needs.

Safety Lockout (LOTO) Padlocks must meet the OSHA requirements to compliant with the OSHA standards.

  1. They must be Durable – Lockout padlocks must stand up to the environment and elements to which they’re exposed without failing.
  2. Lockout padlocks should be used only for controlling hazardous energy no other purpose.
  3. LOTO Padlocks must be standardized by color, shape, or size.
  4. The Padlocks should be identifiable visually to indicate the employee that applied them with name, photo, or any other identification.
  5. Padlocks should resist removal. They should not be removable without use of the correct key or excessive external force.